Auschwitz Museum is located 320 km from Warsaw, without direct connection. Public transport travel time from Warsaw to Auschwitz is from 5 to 7 hours one way. The total duration of our tour is 10 hours.
To the camp in Belzec since 1942 were brought victims from the ghettos, mostly whole families. They were only Jews. In total, more than 600,000 Jews were murdered here. Survived only three people…
The first extermination camp was founded in 1941 only to exterminate the imported Jewish population. It was a model for the later camps in Auschwitz and Treblinka.
The concentration camp in Lublin was the second largest, after Auschwitz, the Nazi camp of this type in Europe. In the Majdanek camp was crematorium and 7 gas chambers where prisoners were killed with Zyklon B and carbon monoxide.
The German concentration camp Stutthof was in operation from 1939 to May 9th, 1945. Over 110,000 prisoners passed through it, of whom about 65,000 were killed.
Treblinka Camp was established in mid-1942. Then came here the first transport from the Warsaw Ghetto. Died here more than 800.000 people. Location: 100 km from Warsaw, without direct train or bus.
Wolf’s Lair (Ger. Wolfsschanze) in 1941-1944 was Hitler’s headquarters. Hidden town in the forest. Treblinka where in the chambers died more than 800.000 Jews. Hidden death camp in the forest.
Wolf’s Lair (Ger. Wolfsschanze) in 1941-1944 was Hitler’s headquarters. Hidden town in the forest had more than 2.000 staff and consisted of 200 buildings, shelters, huts and 2 airports.